Monday 14 April 2014

I suffered from diarrhea this afternoon.

   Yesterday, my classmate told me that he suffered from diarrhea and vomiting all day. Then, I told him to take more rest and take care of himself. After hearing that I was pity on his sickness during the two weeks midterm exam. I also thought that I was very lucky that I didn't get the cold like his symptoms.
   However, the tragedy happened in this afternoon. When I took a shower after having a nap, I felt that I got a  stomachache; then, it hurted a lot. Thus, I ran to the toilet, at that moment, I suffered from diarrhea , and I didn't knoe how to solve it. I just hope that it will become better. That's because I hope the stomachache and diarrhea won't affect my performance on these two weeks exams. I want to get high pass.
   So, in order not to, let this diarrhea  and stomachache makes some tragedy. All I could do is to take some medicine and have enough sleep. At every moment, I prayed for the God to bless me and avoid some tragedy happening.

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