Monday 24 March 2014

I felt very sad and angry when I saw the news yesterday.

   There are many students sat inside and outside the Legislative Yuan to protest against the unfair contract. Our government still insistsand persuades that this contract could help Taiwan become better and more competitive, which could improve our economy a lot. Besides, our government considers that this proteston is rude and ridiculous. Thus, people asks our government to listen their opinion and withdraws this contract. However, our government doesn't give us a reasonable answer, which really makes people feel angry.
   After a few days, students rushed into Executive Yuan yesterday. That's because those protestion students hope our government could see people's anger. Nevertheless, our government ddn't respond to those students but distributed the riot police to drive out those students, which makes many students got hurt and bled. When I saw this news yesterday, I felt the same feelings with those students. I also felt pity for those police who got hurt in the conflict. There is no fault between students and police. They are all innocent. All they did is to take responsibility for their jobs. This conflict arises from our government's false decision, and they always persist in their opinions.
   I support those students' spirits and admire them to be brave to protect our country as well as our democracy. Keep fighting lets our government to hear our voices and withdraw the contract.

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